At For the Love of Cats Veterinary Clinic, we're proud to provide comprehensive medical care for your cat, at every stage of life, from kittenhood to the senior years.

Click a link below to learn more.

General Services

Surgical Services

Boarding & More

General Services

Comprehensive Medical Care

  • Wellness Exams – thorough nose-to-tail yearly physical exams.
  • Senior Wellness Exams – recommended every 6 months, for cats nine years and older.
  • Free Shelter Exams – we honor free exams for newly adopted shelter cats within two weeks of adoption
  • Microchipping


We follow vaccination guidelines as recommended by the American Association of Feline Practitioners, using vaccines specifically formulated to be safest for cats and tailored to your cat’s unique needs.


Rabies core vaccine (available in 1-year and 3-year). We use the non-adjuvanted vaccine, which is safest for cats.


The Rabies vaccine is required by law in Colorado, as it is a disease that can be transmitted to humans. This virus affects the brain and nervous system and is 100% fatal in our feline companions.


FVRCP core vaccine

FVRCP is the abbreviation for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calici Virus, and Panleukopenia. This vaccine covers the primary causes of severe upper respiratory infections in cats, and the feline version of Parvovirus, which results in an extremely low white blood cell count and has a very high mortality rate.


FeLV vaccine

The vaccination for Feline Leukemia Virus is especially recommended for those cats who spend time outdoors and may have contact with other cats of unknown vaccination status. Feline Leukemia results in a severely suppressed immune system and a significantly reduced life span.


Full, In-House Bloodwork
  • Comprehensive blood chemistry values to assess organ and thyroid function.
  • Complete blood count to evaluate red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
Urine Analysis

For detection of urinary tract infection and assessment of kidney function.

Fecal Analysis
An effective way to search for intestinal parasites or internal causes of diarrhea.
Eye pressure check.
Ear and Skin Cytology

Checking for ear mites, causes of ear infections, skin conditions, and other dermatological issues.

Blood Pressure

Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring, especially important for senior cats.

Full-Body X-Rays and Ultrasound
For diagnostics to assess chest and abdominal medical concerns.
Digital Dental X-Rays
Included with all dental cleaning procedures, to visualize the condition of the cat’s teeth beneath the gumline and above it.


  • Medication Administration
  • Acupuncture

Laser Treatment

  • Powerful class IV therapy laser benefiting a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, wounds, and dental disease. The laser treatment decreases inflammation, pain, and accelerates healing.


  • Behavior Consultations
  • Inappropriate Urination/Defecation
  • Geriatric Cat Care
  • First Time Cat/Kitten Owner Consultation
  • Kitten Care
  • Pain Management
  • End of life decisions and hospice care

Surgical Services

All surgeries are performed by our very own wonderful Dr. Thomas, accompanied by a dedicated veterinary technician monitoring anesthesia. Bloodwork is included with all procedures to assess the health status of your cat before proceeding with anesthesia. We strive to make all surgeries as safe as possible.

  • Spays and Neuters
  • Dental Cleanings
  • Mass Removals
  • Abscess/Wound Repair
  • Other Routine Procedures

Boarding & More


Our cozy boarding kennels are available for healthy kitties and kitties in need of daily medications. All cats receive lots of attention and are closely monitored at mealtimes to ensure they don’t go hungry during their stay. Put your mind at ease while you’re away by having your kitty stay at their own cat-specific veterinarian’s office!


Medical Grooming

We offer to groom when medically necessary for cats with severely matted or soiled fur.
Mat Shaving
Sanitary Clips
Lion Cuts (sedation available)


Nail Care

Nail Trims
Soft Paw Application: Temporary rubber caps are applied to the nails to prevent scratching and damage to furniture. Available in many colors.


Retail Products

Prescription and Non-Prescription Food (Hills, Purina, Royal Canin)
Food Dishes

We are dedicated to providing excellence in feline veterinary care

Are you looking to keep your cat happy and healthy? We’d love to help.